The 2024 Manipal Marathon has been the highlight of my time in Manipal till date. Organized by the university, the event was meticulously planned by students collaborating closely with faculty advisors to ensure it was a spectacular experience. Here’s my Strava activity of the race:

I faced three significant challenges during the marathon.

First, the event took place on February 11th, 2024, giving me only two weeks of rest after the TATA Mumbai Marathon. This tight schedule left me with insufficient time for recovery.

Second, I was overtraining due to the extensive mileage I was covering while coaching a training program aimed at preparing new and aspiring runners for the marathon which culminated their one-month journey into fitness with their participation in the 2024 Manipal Marathon.

Lastly, the weather was a major challenge; the heat in Manipal and Udupi at that time was unbearably high and, frankly, dangerous to be in.